A new part-time job allows you to visit whiskey distilleries. If you’re a whisky lover, this seems like the perfect part-time job!
There is a new job where you can get paid to drink whisky at the weekend. It is like you’re not even working; since you would probably be doing that anyway! Stagweb.co.uk are the company behind this brilliant part-time job.
The company is looking for someone to visit Scottish whisky distilleries at weekends. They want someone to review the whisky to determine which is best. It seems like the perfect part-time job for anyone who likes to drink whisky at the weekend.
Here are the criteria you need to fulfill:
- Part-time position
- No experience required
- Be prepared to travel
- Be over 18
- Enjoy a drop of whisky!
So, somehow it seems like this job has no flaws. Not only are you getting paid to have a drink, it seems really easy to get involved with! There is almost no other job where the only relevant work experience you need is occasionally drinking a glass of whisky!
All you have to do to apply is write 150 words, finishing the sentence, “I drink therefore I am…”. Even the application seems pretty light-hearted. If this is any indication of the nature of the job itself, then it seems like a dream!
As a result of this new part-time job, you can officially get paid to drink whilst at work. Therefore, you need to sign up now!
Who doesn’t want to drink whisky at a weekend and get paid for it? This seems like an ideal way to earn a bit of money, especially if you love whiskey. See also, If You Want To Be Drake’s Business Partner, Invest In Virginia Black Whiskey Today.