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Traveler Bashed For Sleeping On Airport’s Floor By The Internet

Is it okay for tired travelers to sleep at the airport?

On January 17, a photo of a female sleeping on the carpeted lounge area of the airport was posted on the Instagram account @TravelCreeps with the caption: “Becky, 24 yr old ‘influencer’ takes a moment to reflect and enjoy the stares she’s getting from her followers by selfishly taking up two seats.”

The image sparked a ton of debate on the internet with comments complaining that she was preventing others from sitting at the chairs behind her by lying directly in front of them. They also argued that by sleeping on the floor she was creating a tripping hazard.

Perhaps because the Instagram account is used primarily for outing bad travel habits, there were not many comments defending “Becky,” which is most likely not her real name. Rather, people were quick to take to the comment section with disparaging comments.

Amongst the hate for Becky were sexist remarks like “I call this woman-spreading, they use bags and things to take up as much room as possible.” Given that Becky only has one bag, I’m not sure if that comment was entirely reasonable.

Other people wrote comments such as “Very inconsiderate like so many travelers” and “Shameful. What a piece of garbage. Where was the airport security.”

The chairs have arms that prevent airport visitors from lying down. I’m sure that if Becky had had any other options she would have considered them. Additionally, I hardly see how a woman trying to rest is something to call the security over. Not to mention, you can see all the empty seats, excluding the two Becky was blocking, in the image. If other travelers felt inconvenienced or wanted to sit, there were places readily available.

What do you think? Was Becky being a discourteous traveler?

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Image courtesy of Traveling Creeps’ Instagram.

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