Although the COVID-19 pandemic has been top of the news for the past three months there is still an incredulous degree of ignorance on the subject in some parts of the world and form some people in particular.
A grand example of lack in knowledge about the coronavirus- and lack in common sense for that matter- is this woman from down in Kansas. Though it has been known from very early on in research carried out around the subject, some people struggle to understand that COVID-19 originated from the consumption of a wild animal (a bat), and has since then only been transmitted from human to human. Now that seems simple enough, but no. Notice how I said human-to-human.
The reason for people’s racist attitudes in regards to the virus could have to do with it being an easy justification to resort to, to back up some pre-existing racist views, or as a mechanism for self-deception. All of these may apply to the chairman of the Riley County Commissioners who thinks that Kansas will be safe from Coronavirus outbreaks because of there not being many Chinese people in the state.
Now Trump calling Covid is far from okay in any sense, but the statements these commissioners, in particular Republican Marvin Rodriguez, came out with yesterday should really have them kicked right out of office. Rodriguez basically said (with some paraphrasing),
“Italy has a problem because they have many Chinese people, whereas Kansas doesn’t have that problem.
Italy has a problem with its health department and peoples health in general.
I have a friend who has been up in the North of Italy and he said there are many Chinese people there.
If Kansas was like Italy we’d have it already.
They say it came out of China and I’m not putting it past the Chinese communist government
Usually, these things spread slowly so I’m just putting two and two together”
It’s really quite concerning how one of the leading world powers employes such ill-witted individuals to run their country. The extreme xenophobia expressed is not okay and it is shocking how such racist and outright stupid statements can be publically expressed by officials in this day and age. With such attitudes, the US is bound for a continuous exponential rising in cases and deaths caused by the coronavirus.
For those who didn’t get the point, RACE DOES NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON THE SPREAD OF COVID-19! That’s a fact and it’s final.
If you’re sick of reading about the coronavirus follow on to this article about the five deadliest pandemics in history.