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How to Drag Yourself Out of Bed On a Cold Winter Mornings

As the temperatures are dropping, getting out of bed in the chilly mornings becomes much harder. So how should we do that still?

The harsh reality of cold winter mornings: Shutterstock

Winter is back, and while the temperatures are indeed dropping, life goes on… Which means we still need to get out of bed in those cold winter mornings- even if we really don’t want to.

Your alarm’s sound wakes you up, signalling that it is time to head over to another lecture, day at work, a meeting. But something is not quite right.

You look through your blinds, but no light comes in. You snuggle up in your bed, wrapped in your warm blanket, protected from the prickling cold. Yes, ladies and gentlemen- it is, indeed, winter again. So how do we get out of bed on those dreaded, chilly winter mornings?

An all too Familiar Issue

If, like me, you struggle to find the will and the way, know you are not alone. In fact, this difficulty is scientific. Seeing that it is dark outside for longer periods of time, our bodies produce more of our sleep hormone- melatonin. The cold, of course, doesn’t help. Our bodies’ temperature naturally drops as we prepare for sleep, making it even harder to produce the necessary energy. On top of that- the lack of vitamin D, which helps stabilize our mood, does not help our low motivation.

But today, we are not going to dwell on the science. We are going to discuss the tips on how to get you up and running in frosty mornings. To do that, I turned to TikTok, to see what users have to say about this all too familiar issue.

Get Your Fuzzy On!

Your perfect fix for a better winter morning. Photo: Shutterstock

User @hannahreneebanana on TikTok suggested a simple hack- on your nightstand, get yourself a pair of fuzzy socks and a nice, warm hoodie ready.

The moment you wake up, put these on immediately! This way, you will have a soft land from the warm comfort of your bed to the outside world, and your morning routine will be much nicer with one more warm layer on.

Make a fun Morning Playlist

Dance yourself out of bed! : Shutterstock

It will be hard to stay grumpy in the morning if the first thing you hear after your alarm- and we know we hate those- is a fun song.

@ellsatthedisco assured us that once she hears her feel-good tunes, she immediately wants to get out of bed and start singing and dancing, even as the mornings are getting colder. Make sure to put on songs that you absolutely love. Change it up every morning by shuffling your playlist to start every day with a different song.

Let the song play out, and by the time it finishes, get up and start moving!

Music has become such an essential part of the daily routine for so many of us. It is a nearly inseparable practice for us, whether if in between classes, in our car, when we walk, or when we simply just sit in our room by ourselves. So why not make the best out of it?

Eliminating Obstacles

Another TikToker, @wanthoney, went a step further. She offered up her idea of how to find motivation to get out of bed for a workout. In her video, she speaks about the many decisions we have to make every day. Her tip to minimize these in those freezing mornings is to make sure to put workouts or any other events/meetings/etc. you wish to attend on your calendar.

This way, you’ll be making a small yet significant commitment to yourself that you are going to go to.

Additionally, choose your clothes for the day on the night before, so that another decision is out of your way!

Pro tip: if you are like me and change your mind very often, choose two outfits for the next day! It may be slightly colder than you think, or maybe you will just want a more colorful look. This way, you still do narrow down your decision, but can decide in the moment what feels right for you.

Find Little Things to Look Forward to

Have a small thing every morning that you are waiting for. According to @olivialignment, a nice breakfast, a warm shower, or one episode of your favorite podcast are all great options.


Tips for getting up early on these dark winter mornings ❄️🥶 #motivation #wakeupearly #howtogetupearly #personaldevelopment #selfdevelopment #selflove #achieveyourgoals #highvaluewoman #survivethewinter how to get up early without being sleepy how to wake up early if u staved up late tips on how to get up early motivation to get up early how to get up in the morning tips to get up early how to wake up early naturally how to wake up early after being up late

♬ original sound – OLIVIA

Another crucial point that she makes in her video is that we should not beat ourselves up for not wanting to do certain things. Seasons change, and so do our moods and mindsets. It makes sense if you are not as motivated on chilly winter mornings to do the same things you do in the summer.

Just have something small active to do every day when you wake up which you are looking forward to!

Charge your Phone out of Reach

Up, up and away. Photo by Shutterstock

Let’s be honest- the first thing most of us do first thing in the morning is get on our phones and start scrolling through social media. And while doing that is quite unhealthy for you, especially as TikTok has been deemed the worst app for sleep, in a video posted by @findingyourfeetpodcast, a simple solution to the struggle of pulling yourself out of bed was talked about: charge your phone away from reach.
The dreadful alarm will wake you up, force you to get out, reach your phone and turn it off.

The hardest part in the mornings is to get out of bed, it is said in the video. Your only mission for you once you are out is to make sure that you do not get back into bed. Once you are out, remind yourself that that is it, and that now you must go ahead with your day.

Count Yourself out

The final tip by @jodie.melissa must be one of the simplest tricks in the book, yet not one many use. Once you wake up, count down from 5. According to her, you’ll be out of bed by the time you finish counting!

While these are all great advice, every person is different, and in need of different things. Our mental health often suffers in the winter, and we may need different things to help us go through our day. Listen to yourself, to your body, and your mind- and find the ways that suit you best.

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I am an international student in Cardiff University, UK, studying Media, Journalism, and Culture, and a writer in TrillMag! I love reading, writing, climbing and hiking!

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