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Food & Drink

Cowboy Kent Gives Us His Take On the Egg McMuffin

Cowboy Kent Rollins shows people how to make themselves their own, larger egg McMuffin.

Featured image courtesy of Twitter / @Kent_Rollins

Waking up in the morning drowsy and tired can make it hard to make breakfast. So when the stomach starts, growling, you probably decide to stop somewhere on your way to work. There are plenty of drive thru’s to hit up, but you can never go wrong stopping at McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin®. But is there a chance that, that Egg McMuffin could be topped? Cowboy Kent Rollins says yes. 

Rollins is a long-time YouTuber who has gained 1.34 million subscribers to his cooking page. On the page, Rollins goes through various tutorials on how to cook outdoors, “cowboy style”. His success has even got him onto the Food Network, making appearances on shows Chopped Grill Masters, Chopped Redemption and Beat Bobby Flay.

I have never heard of Cowboy Kent before, but talk about electric factory. His videos are awesome and he brings a fun perspective to the art of cooking. He truly is one of a kind. 

Now when it comes to his Egg McMuffin®, Rollins really outdoes himself. The cowboy demonstrates how to make a REAL egg sandwich. No “Canadian bacon” like the McMuffin, Rollins puts some good ham on his. I thought those two terms were synonymous, but the cooking cowboy showed me that isn’t the case. 

The process of making the cowboy McMuffin is definitely longer than taking a lap around the local McDonalds, but oh man does Rollins’ sandwich look good. I dare say it may be the best looking egg sandy I have seen.

With that being said, I have to try Rollins recipe. I will definitely be waking up before work to give myself time to make it. I don’t care if it is at five o’clock in the morning, the deed has to be done. So thank you, Kent Rollins. You have shown me the true way to make an unstoppable breakfast sandwich. 

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