Cleared for takeoff? Not so fast. On January 27, 2020, the Guatemalan government was able to seize a narco jet with the help of one gutsy Guatemalan Air Force pilot. With the pilots help, the government was able to confiscate 16 packages of cocaine, as well as an AK-47 assault rifle.
— MP de Guatemala (@MPguatemala) January 27, 2020
MP/Fiscalía de Delitos de Narcoactividad se dirige hacia el departamento de #Petén a procesar escena luego del hallazgo por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad de una aeronave con posible ilícito. Ampliaremos.
Okay, this story is bananas. The first thought that popped in my head was about the pilot. Could you imagine being in his shoes? You’re communicating with the Guatemalan government while you’re supposed to be “helping” drug runners get cocaine out of the country. I’d be sweating anytime one of the narcos tried speaking to me, but apparently this pilot was cool, calm, and collective.
To add on to that, the pilot was ay-okay taking off on this dirt strip that doesn’t even look safe to ride a Little Tyke Cozy Coupe on. Seriously? I guess I will stick to writing.
On a serious note, drug running is a pretty big issue: especially in Guatemala. With drugs comes violence, something the world doesn’t need anymore of. So as happy as we can be with the seizure of this Hawker jet (which is apparently popular for drug mules), the bigger problem of drug trafficking exists.
I know that issue isn’t going away anytime soon, but I wanted to point out the fact that stories like these will continue to pop up year after year. Heck, another one could pop up next week.
Still, this is one hell of a story. I don’t know if it able to beat this tale of two gentlemen discovering a loophole of endless McDonald’s fries, but it definitely gives it a run for its money.