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With £556 million sales in the US alone, Corona is one the biggest beer brands in the world. What is more impressive however, is what happened after the death of its founder…
Now that is one amazing way to make sure you’ll be remembered. Sure, you can have as big of a fortune as you want. To be ready to give away money like that however, that is just a whole different story.
We never had any pesete (money) before. I don’t know what we would have done without Antonino.
Of course, Antonino knew what he was doing. The residents of Cerezales del Condado actually deserved the fortunes that they were given. As soon as they earned the money, most of them donated some of it to build a cultural centre in the village. Although we don’t exactly know how much they donated, it is still important to recognise the fact that they did.
One thing is for sure. They will never forget Antonino and what he did for them. Antonino’s action truly is commendable! I wish that more rich people would do the same…
Don’t forget to check out what happened to this millionaire after he bragged about his fortune on a JetBlue flight!