Starting your college adventure is stressful and new. Add clubbing to the mix, and it only gets worse. Here’s how to navigate this…
The aim may be to get a degree, but what happens when we take those first baby steps into the bar and dare to exchange £2.50 for a shot of tequila? From social pressure to the best pre-drink, here’s what to expect from going ‘out out.’ Take it from people who know, from graduates to Level 5s, we have your back! You’ll be ready for college in no time.
The inevitable pressure
There’s no doubt that the idea of going to clubs and bars is daunting, especially if you’ve never been before. The pressure to go out is inevitably going to arrive at your door, usually in the form of the college tradition of Fresher’s Week.
A million questions will be going through your head – What do I wear? What if I don’t want to drink alcohol? What if I make a show of myself? The list is endless.
The most important thing to remember is this pressure won’t last forever. “I felt I had to go out, but as I got settled in, it lost that pressure,” a University of Manchester graduate tells us. “I found myself going out less and less as I got further into my degree.”
“You feel pressure over who comes up to you compared to your mates and if you’re fashionable enough,” Millie, a University of Lincoln student, confesses. However, Millie also says, “Just wear what makes you feel comfortable, it doesn’t matter. Once you’ve got a few drinks down you, you won’t care anyway!”
Staying safe
This is probably the most important factor in going ‘out out’. With all inhibitions firmly lost and down the club toilets, it’s so important you’re as safe as you can be. Staying together, being vigilant and making a plan to get home are all things you must do. Uber is never too far away.
“Make sure you can depend on each other.” is the advice Sheffield Hallam student Harry gives. More specifically, Harry warns, “Keep your eyes on the ground when you’re walking so you don’t trip over any tree stumps,” as he tells us how his friend once shattered his collarbone in an effort to save his kebab!
To reduce anxiety, try asking for covers on your drinks at the bar and never leave your drink unattended. This may feel scary, but if there are people there you can rely on, everything will be okay. People may get lost. Chaos will ensue. However, don’t worry, once you get the hang of clubbing and bar hopping, the anxieties will go away.
To drink or not to drink
If you’re choosing to drink alcohol, it’s also important to keep the expense in mind. To start the night off right, here are some recommendations that will stay in your student budget:
- 4 Ashfields from Tesco for £2.50 – Harry, Sheffield Hallam University.
- “The cheapest bottle of wine from the corner shop,” Sheffield Hallam student Reilly suggests.
- “A shot of Tequila – but always with salt and lime” is the University of Manchester graduates’ best suggestion. “It’s always fun to do with friends!”
Alcohol isn’t what makes the night, though, so please don’t worry that you’ll be missing out if you don’t want to drink. You’ll definitely be missing out on the hangovers, but that will never be a bad thing.
“A night out is only as good as the people you’re with,” confesses Reilly, a Level 5 student. “The best part is having a dance with your friends.” Alcohol isn’t the be-all and end-all; at least you’ll make your 9 am! University of Lincoln student Millie says, “Make sure you aren’t going out with people that pressure you to drink. People like that aren’t your friends.”
Sober or a few drinks in, the main thing is having fun and gaining new experiences. The only thing left to say is drink water when you get home, or you will be fighting for your life over that pounding head in the morning.
The final dance
As you’re swaying to ‘Angels’ by Robbie Williams as the lights come up, make sure to sing your heart out!
You’re only this young once, so don’t let anxieties take hold of you. All you need to know is to stay safe and surround yourself with people who make you feel fabulous whatever you’re doing or wearing.
For the girls: you’ll always have the girls’ bathroom to rely on. That is the place to be for an ego boost from a stranger or bumping into an old friend.
As Harry says…
“Enjoy it and if you do something silly, everyone’s been there. Don’t beat yourself up about it.”
Harry, Sheffield Hallam Student