Image: artsmak_mio
Traditional wedding toasts have been put aside for this one Twix couple, and two really classy transparent bongs were lit instead as ‘first toke’ to celebrate the ’wife and husband’ thing. Just WOW!
Earlier this week we’ve got to see some of the most unusual wedding photos appearing across the web, as Coral Reefer and her partner Mio decided to tie their knots by having a bong each! Not heavy at all for an MJ-legalised place on Earth, do you think? ?
Weed-appreciating couple have really gone out of their way to express their love to the plant, as the couple already run Marijuana blog and a YouTube Channel called Coral Reefer, you can check it out here:
The couple have taken it seriously when minutes before saying ‘I do’ at the ceremony in Santa Cruz, both inhaled the sacred substance from their personalised bongs.
Their wedding photographer, Rachael Artime, took a good array of smoky pictures, to which she responded as being ‘one of the most unconventional wedding photography experiences’ for her – the wedding, where she had to photograph obscured-by-smoke bride and groom, and that whole feeling you know… as photographers really become part of the wedding experience, I know what she means!
Some pictures taken later in the day include Coral’s solo with her ‘Mrs’ bong, where it was scribbled in white; she confidently exhales a massive cloud towards the camera. Mio’s bong, in turn, had ‘Mr’ done in black. The 24-year-old Artime commented ‘it’s cool to see a bride and groom’s passion in all they plan for their wedding, and to be so supported [globally]. It’s their story.’ Some sort of modern retro style, don’t you find?
The couple also had few tokes in the redwood forest, where they went for another small shoot as part of their special day.
Rachael then continued:
People all over my Instagram were so into it. People were saying they had never seen this. I have never seen a bong at a wedding. That’s right, me neither, but then I live in the UK!
With the positive feedback on a drug that was illegal and is now legal, it’s just fascinating to see how people are supportive and love the photos.
It seems that Artime and Reefer had this vision prior to the wedding, and it all worked out well as a signature of mutual passion to weed and their love that is expressed in the photos.
Promoting herself as cannabis advocate, Coral posted some of the captured wedding moments to her InstaWorld, with the caption ‘to have and to toke, forever and ever’. Check her page man!
Jah Bless them, who cares what others think? In all respect, if anyone wasn’t happy at the wedding with Coral’s and Mio’s behaviour, they had to close their eyes and open the mind – the wedding is for the wedded.