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Water Shortage In 17 Countries: Danger Around The River Bend?

High water stress levels will lead to extreme issues for multiple countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa. /

Running Out Of Water Could Cause Trouble For A Quarter Of The Earth’s Population

Countries are running out of water (Water Shortage). The World Resources Institute (WRI) has discovered that a quarter of our population – 17 countries – are labelled as having “extremely high water stress”. The WRI has found that 80 percent of available water is being consumed by municipalities, used in agriculture, and applied in industry.

The frightening reality is that when these countries; Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and India to only name a few, (click here for the full list) run out of water the need for this resource will not subside. This is extremely threatening to the people, animals, and overall environment of these countries.

This problem affecting so many countries, including India, the country with the second highest population, can only lead to further worry and distress for Earth and all of humanity! The continuation of this water shortage can only result in once beautiful, vibrant countries and cultures becoming dry, crumbling remains of communities.

Ways to reduce water stress include; investing in grey and green infrastructure, increasing agricultural efficiency, and treating, reusing, and recycling. For more info on reducing water stress click here. For further information on environmental issues/climate change, check out this informative article.

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