Netflix has possibly appointed Chloe Okuno to work on the upcoming installment of an American horror film series, The Fear Street Trilogy. Okuno is known for his recent debut at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival, Watcher. Before this Okuno directed many short films including Slut, Rodney & Sheryl, and more.
The Fear Street Trilogy is filled with multiple genres of horrors including slasher and supernatural. The films have been shot back-to-back and were released on Netflix on July 2, 9, and 16 respectively.
The first movie focused on a series of severe slayings and the next was on a killer’s murder binge in the cursed town of Shadyside. The last installment was set in 1666 when Deena learns the truth about Sarah Fier.
The previous director of the series has shown interest in more installments and has talked about her fascination with a slasher film in the 1950s when the Harry Rooker / The Milkman case happened. The film starred many actors and actresses including Sadie Sink, Kiana Madeira, Darrell Britt-Gibson, Ryan Simpkins, Maya Hawke, Olivia Scott Welch, Benjamin Flores Jr, and Chiara Aurelia.
No one knows if the upcoming project will be part of the trilogy focused on Shadyside or another completely different trilogy based on horror genres.
Since the news isn’t from official sources, we might be addressing rumors. Hopefully, they aren’t false as it would be amazing to see Netflix partnering up with Okuno. Watchers have become one of the best horror films of 2022. Her talent for directing has also been appreciated in her project called ‘Let the Right One In’.