That ’70s Show, which premiered on Fox in 1998 and lasted for 200 episodes over eight seasons, continues to be remembered as one of the most iconic coming-of-age comedy series. The cast included Topher Grace, Danny Masterson, Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, Wilmer Valderrama, Kurtwood Smith, Laura Prepon, and Debra Jo Rupp. Many of the original cast members make a comeback in the spinoff series That ’90s Show, made 20 years later the main series.
In a recent interview with Business Insider, the actor of That ’70s Show, Kurtwood Smith, spoke on a range of topics to the original series and its recently released sequel, That ’90s Show, and shared which character from the original series he believed was the funniest. He said,
“Each character excelled at their unique role. But Debra Jo Rupp and Topher Grace, with whom I worked the most, are both excellent actresses. Debra doesn’t receive as much recognition as she should. Audiences regard her as a crazy comedian, which she certainly can achieve. Wilmer always made me laugh a lot, too. These two moments are among my favorites from the whole season.”
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That ’70s Show has been over 25 years since then that premiered in the late summer of 1998, yet the show is still top-rated and deeply infused with pop culture. The show premiered at the perfect moment for many viewers, becoming popular early in its run and attracting viewers from around the country due to its national cable airing. The hit series was introduced to a new generation of fans due to its release on Netflix, where it consistently ranks among the most-watched sitcoms.