Prime has released a new psychological thriller that follows the stories of Kate Wallis and Jeanette Turner. Two girls whose lives are drastically altered over the course of three summers. The gripping story is told from alternating POVs, leaving the show’s mystery to be unveiled slowly by the viewers.
Who are Kate Wallis and Jeanette Turner?
In the show, Kate Wallis appears to be your typical beautiful and popular teen. She is viewed as being the embodiment of perfection. She has a life to be envied and everyone wants to be friends with her. However, in the 90’s she mysteriously disappears from her small Texas town and no one knows where she has gone…
Jeanette Turner is the female that Kate claims had seen her whilst she was hidden in her abductor’s basement.
During Kate’s disappearance, Jeanette goes from being an awkward teen to the most popular girl in town. She becomes close friends with Kate’s friends and she is romantically involved with Kate’s boyfriend. It sure sounds like she tried to become the new Kate Wallis!
Kate is certain that Jeanette tried to steal her life and she wants to prove it. When Kate is found, she is quick to share her experience with the public and Jeanette soon becomes the most despised person in America.
First Look at the Trailer
The opening scene shows Jeanette Turner being spoken to by her attorney about the upcoming trial regarding Kate Wallis’ accusation. We see how the public is treating Jeanette and we gain a sense of sympathy for her based on our first impression of her.
Throughout the trailer, we see how the show alternates between 1993, 1994, and 1995. The lives of Jeanette and Kate drastically change over this time period. However, when Kate is rescued, the town is forced to pick sides based on who they believe.
Given Kate’s perfect reputation and the severity of her claim, the town is quick to blame and turn on Jeanette despite her protests.
Did you see her?
No, of course not. You know I would never lie to you.
Is Jeanette capable of doing something so evil towards another human being?
Who do you believe?
The thought of seeing someone in distress and not providing them with some form of help or support is inexcusable. If we believe Kate Wallis, then Jeanette deserves all the hate that she receives. How could she possibly leave the girl she dreamt of being friends with, in the home of her abductor?
On the other hand, if Jeanette is telling the truth how is she supposed to confront a girl who has experienced so much trauma and call her a liar? It puts her in an impossible situation because Kate is extremely vulnerable due to her trauma.
All we know is that one girl is lying and one girl is telling the truth… The truth always comes out in the end and one of these girls will be punished. This mystery can only be solved by watching this show and putting together all the different pieces.