‘Only Murders in the Building’ is a mystery -thriller meets comedy series that premiered at the end of August on Hulu. The story follows three main characters (Selena Gomez, Steve Martin and Martin Short) who, like a lot of us in 2021, have a major obsession with true crime. The show seems light-hearted enough until someone in their building gets murdered. The trio quickly find themselves wrapped up in a real life murder mystery and take it upon themselves to try and find the culprit.
However, as the story continues the group uncover more than they bargained including secrets about the building that stretch back over years. The trio soon realises that there could be a murderer living amongst them and race to try and put together clues to stop the killer, before they strike again.
Each episode was released gradually, so the series only finished last week. But, incredibly, it’s already been renewed for a second season, with filming rumoured to begin as early as next month.
The success of the show has also seen it score a perfect 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Other popular shows this year have not performed just as well. ‘Squid Game’ fell short scoring 93% and ‘Money Heist’ just below it scoring 92%. There’s just something about ‘Only Murders in the Building’ that seems to have hooked viewers and critics alike.
One critic in particular, Sajin Shrijith, gave his review of the show on Cinema Express, referring to it as having “one of the best cliff-hangers in film and television history”.
The hit series ‘Only Muders in the Building’ can be streamed now on Disney+ and Hulu. Take a look at the trailer down below. If you just can’t get enough of hit TV shows then check out this article on the trailer for the new series of ‘Stranger Things’ here.