GAP The Series is a Thai drama series that explores various genres, including humor, romanticism, entertainment programs, and melodrama. The show is inspired by “GAP: Pink Theory,” by Jao Pla Noi. It is directed by Gap Saint Suppapong and is perfect for viewers who love the ideal lesbian romance.
The show’s fourth episode is scheduled to be released on December 10, 2022, on YouTube, GMM One, and HD Network Channel 3. It revolves around Mond and Sam, two characters having distinct personalities, separate classes, and an eight-year age difference. Their story began when Sam saved Mon when they were little.
The plot moves as the two meet again, and their meeting doesn’t go as planned. Mon is surprised by Sam’s icy exterior and, in the end, decides to move forward.
The show stars Becky Armstrong as Mon Kornkamon and Freen Sarocha Chankimha as “Sam” Samanan Anantrakul. Along with them, we will also see Heng Asavarid Pinitkanjanapun, Noey Natnicha Vorrakittikun, Irin Urassaya Malaiwong, Mind Sawaros Nekkham, Chompoo Potida Boonmee, Looknam Orntara Poolsak, Baitoey Punnisa Sirisang, and many more in supporting roles.
The show is scheduled to conclude on February 11, 2023, with twelve episodes. This love story will focus on their struggles as they learn to adapt to each other’s personality and learn to love each other traits.
In the previous episode, we saw Mon and Sam sharing the same bed, and the two shared a cute moment when Sam covered Mon with sheets. The moment continues as they end up spending time with each other after Sam sits near the pool, unable to sleep. They end up in the pool, where fans are disappointed that they didn’t kiss but are satisfied with the ending of them sleeping in each other’s arms.