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Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire Snuck into “No Way Home” Together

The two Spider-Men walked into the movies and no one was the wiser!

Featured image via WikiMedia Commons

Possible spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home

It’s easy to forget, but celebrities are movie fans, too. And during the opening night of Spider-Man: No Way Home, former Spider-Men Andrew Garfield, and Toby Maguire snuck into the theater and no one even realized they were there!

Garfield, who currently stars in Netflix’s musical Tick, Tick… BOOM!, shared all about his emotional return to the Spider-Man franchise in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

He said, “First and foremost, I am a fan, so when Amy Pascal and Kevin Feige and John Watts asked to have a word with me and talk to me about an idea, and they pitched it, it was like I was the fans in the audience, watching it onscreen for the first time with like, the three Spider-Men across universes sharing a frame together.” Garfield was over the moon to be invited back alongside his “big brother” Maguire and “little brother” Tom Holland.

No Way Home introduces all the three Spider-Men much like Into the Spiderverse did with the other Spider-Man variants. But in No Way Home some of us older people got to see our teenage Spider-Man (Maguire), or mid-20’s Spider-Man (Garfield), and our Elder Millenial Spider-Man (Holland) come together in something very magical.

Toby Maguire at the Gatsby premire in 2013.
CREDIT: WikiMedia Commons

And even Garfield seemed to feel the magic as in one scene, he tells the other two Spider-Men “I love you guys” in a brilliant off-script moment.

This is why he and Maguire couldn’t wait to see the finished product. He explains, “I snuck into a theater on opening night and just watched with my baseball cap on and my mask. In fact, I was also with Tobey, me and Tobey snuck into a theater together and no one knew we were there. It was just a really beautiful thing to share together.” We can’t imagine what it must be like to don the Spider-Man costume with not one, but two amazing actors. What a true blessing.

At the end of the day, Garfield just wanted to make sure that Holland knew he was supported, loved, and cherished. Picking up a character like Spider-Man must be so heavy, but putting it aside must be somewhat devastating. Over the years, we have all loved our Spider-Man’s, and what a truly unique experience for everyone to see them gathered together finally.

What did you think of No Way Home? Have you stopped crying yet? No, we haven’t either…, but let us know in the comment what you think!

tick, tick… BOOM! is streaming now on Netflix.
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