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A Blair Witch Project Franchise Reboot is Coming Soon

A Blair Witch Project reboot is in the works with the original directors on board this time.

Credit: IYoutube/movieclips

It has been 23 years since Loinsgate first released the film that made audiences around the world sleep with a night light and security blanket. 

The Blair Witch Project, released in 1999, was one of the most iconic horror films that launched a new genre of “found-footage.”

The raw footage of the film is what set it apart from other horror films. The handheld videotaping and grainy quality said to have been left by missing film students is what made the film so frightening. It made everyone in the 90s believe they were actually watching a real story left by those students. 

In addition, the film’s  original budget what that of $20,000 but ended up bringing in about $250,000,000 after it’s release. 

Credit: YouTube/ movie clips

While the original film had much success, the reboots made after did not have such luck, such as, The Book of Shadows Blair Witch 2 released in 2000 and 2016 Blair Witch did not receive great praise from critics. 

Jeff Sneider hinted a reboot by telling fans to “start prepping their pitches.”

Sneider also went far as to make this tweet: 

‘EXCLUSIVE: Start prepping those pitches, genre scribes, because it sounds like Lionsgate is ready to venture back into the woods again for another BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, since good IP is never truly dead in the Streaming Age…’

Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez, the directors of the original Blair Witch Project, revealed that they were not included in the initial reboots done by Loinsgate but would ‘love another stab.’

Myrick said on Bloody Disgusting’s  The Boo Crew Podcast:

‘Lionsgate hasn’t] been too interested in our input, which is sort of ironic. But whenever [they’re] ready, we’re hanging out – if you want us to come back in and take a stab at it.’

To mark the Blair Witch Project’s 20th anniversary, Myrick wrote a sequel script for Loinsgate that was unsuccessful to the studio. 

Myrick expressed:

‘We had tonnes of ideas [for a sequel]. We pitched them to Lionsgate. We even wrote a sequel script.

‘Just for whatever reason, it didn’t spark with the studio and they went in another direction with it. But you know, we’re still holding out hope that they’ll come back to the original guys and maybe entertain one of our ideas.’

Check out the horrifying history of the cursed Annabelle doll.

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