Ad-Rock honors the memory of the deceased MCA with a story called, “The Ring” from their Beastie Boys Story documentary. In the scope of a 40-year long friendship, a 15-year long prank exemplifies just how much these friends know how to make each other laugh.
Beastie Boys is a hip-hop, rap rock, punk rock group from Brooklyn, New York where they first formed back in the good ol’ days of 1979. They first began as a hardcore punk group until they made the switch to hip-hop in 1984 after the release of Cookie Puss, their first experimental recording of the genre. After the release of License to Ill, they catapulted into massive success and critical acclaim.
The Beastie Boys were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on September 27, 2007. They also vocalized political activism in the form of their music. The group hosted the New Yorkers Against Violence concert after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The funds from this concert went to the New York Women’s Foundation Disaster Relief Fund and the New York Association for New Americans. They also released, “In A World Gone Mad” a protest song, against the Iraq War in 2003 (also the most downloaded track in April 2003!).
Fast forward to May 4, 2012, the death of Adam Yauch ultimately ended the group. Adam Nathaniel Yauch, MCA, was one of the founding members of the group, played bass, and even founded the independent film production and distribution company Oscilloscope Laboratories. In 2009, MCA was diagnosed with salivary parotid gland cancer – apparently, a very rare cancer. He had undergone surgery, radiation therapy, and was expected to make a full recovery, despite his cancer spreading into a lymph node. Sadly, MCA died at 47 years old as a result of this fatal yet mysterious cancer.
8 years later on August 3, 2020, Adam Horovitz, Ad-Rock, and Mike Diamond, Mike D, release their documentary Beastie Boys Story where they bring us closer into their 40 years of friendship, aww. A deleted scene released on from this documentary called, “The Ring” features Ad-Rock honoring the memory of Adam Yauch on what would have been his 56th birthday and a prank involving a ring.
Horovitz admires the stamina it took to implement a prank for 15 whole years and is impressed and proud of having a friend for having, in his words, practical and tactical joke skills. This deleted clip ends with Ad-Rock thanking the deceased member of Beastie Boys and his friend of almost 40 years, “Thank you, Adam, for elevating the team that coach built around you.”
What would Adam Yauch do? Play over a decade long prank on his best friend and bandmate. If you like musical artists or celebrities playing pranks on each other or even on you, then check out Sacha Baron Cohen and his shenanigans.