If you saw an add on Craigslist offering you $20 an hour for two photographers to come to your house and take photos of you, would you agree? Maybe not right? Well that’s exactly what two guys did and so far they’ve had some pretty great responses.
Los Angeles photographers Neil Kremer and Cory Johnson (pictured below) have been making waves with their newest project entitled ‘Craigslist Encounters’. They posted the following ad:
“Portrait subjects needed (Anywhere). Compensation: $20 per hour. Portrait photographer seeking subjects. Looking for interesting people to photograph… all shapes, races, genders, and sizes are welcome. I will come to you at your convenience.”
After narrowing down the long list of replies Kremer and Johnson began to work on getting the shots they wanted. For each photograph the pair travelled to the subjects houses or other locations of the subject’s choice and spent time choosing the ideal spot for the shot They have so far photographed a whole range of people including roller-skaters, families and models. They’re hoping to photograph 100 people in total and have plans to shoot a female porn star and an Indian Elvis impersonator.
These are some of the results:
Images via KremerJohnson
As you can see each photo is completely unique and represents the individual being photographed. The photographers are using ‘everyday’ people to challenge beauty standards and show the diversity of humanity.
Images via KremerJohnson
The photographers claim “we specialise in capturing authentic moments in even the most manufactured of settings”.
Image via KremerJohnson
Kremer and Johnson also have high critical acclaim. Just this year they were displayed in the Photo + Exposure Awards Winners Gallery.
Image via KremerJohnson
Another interesting series that they’ve done that explores being human is ‘Broken’ which features older people.
Images via KremerJohnson
If you’ve not had your fill of quirky portraits check out these photos of vacuum packed couples!