The French clothing brand has partnered with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the second release of limited edition polos.
In 2018, Lacoste released close to 1,800 polos for the first wave of the “Save Our Species” collection in efforts to bring awareness to the looming threat of crocodile extinction. This year, Lacoste will release 10 different limited edition polo shirts that will highlight 10 endangered species.
Each of the 10 species will have a specified number of shirts made that will represent how are remaining in the wild. A total of 3,520 shirts will be released.
The following is a list of the features endangered species.
The Iberian Lynx — 589 specimens left (Paris)
The Yemeni Mouse-Tailed Bat — 150 specimens left (London)
The Opal Goodeid — 150 specimens left (LA)
The Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat — 115 specimens left (Tokyo)
The Mountain Chicken — 132 specimens left (Miami)
The Addax — 90 specimens left (Berlin)
The Cebu Damselfly — 50 specimens left (Shanghai)
The North Atlantic Right Whale — 444 specimens left (New York)
The Moheli Scops Owl — 400 specimens left (Seoul)
The Hawaiian Monk Seal — 1,400 specimens left (online)
Each shirt will retail for approximately $170. The profits will help IUCN’s fight for conserve wildlife.
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