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Grafitti Artist Banksy Reveals His In-Home Project During Quarantine

Even graffiti artists are working from home during this quarantine.

Instagram / @banksy

With the quarantine stretching on, people continue to balance working from home with home improvement projects like painting, gardening, and cleaning. One artist chose to do the same…though “improvement” may be the wrong word.

Banksy is an anonymous graffiti artist and activist in Britain. He focuses on dark humor and satire, usually taking to the street for large-scale works, but during the quarantine he’s turned to making art in the safety of his home. 

Banksy revealed his in-home project to the world the other day on Instagram. The piece features a bathroom being terrorized by a gang of rats. He hides no detail in his post, giving us close-ups of the rats in the midst of mischief.

To cap it all off, he captions the post “my wife hates it when I work from home.” 

The rats seem right at home in Banksy’s bathroom. As they wreak havoc on the toilet, sink, mirror, and the rest, one sly rat keeps count. What is he counting? We may never know. 

This whimsical piece amused Banksy’s audience. His post has almost 2.5 million likes on Instagram and roughly 28,000 comments. It was met with good reception, and it seems to be a flicker of hope for many. Keeping a sense of comedy is as important as ever during this scary and uncertain time. 

One has to wonder if there’s a deeper meaning behind this post. Does this mean we all just rats in an experiment? Does it mean resilience? Or does it mean success, a new beginning? It’s hard to say. What we do know is this: it means Banksy may be re-doing his bathroom sometime soon. 

If you want to know more about Banksy and his work, check out this article.

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