LifestyleWhat Is “FOMO”?The "fear of missing out," or "FOMO," can leave us dissatisfied with our reality.Erin SmithOctober 30, 2023
WellnessCan Cleaning Your Room Really Make You Happier?A messy room can be more than an inconvenience. Disorganization of home environments can affect one's mental health and harm those one lives with.Erin SmithOctober 19, 2023
WellnessRead This to Find Out if You’re Addicted to StressOverloading stress can have some substantial consequences.Erin SmithOctober 4, 2023
LifestyleThe Psychology of Nostalgia: The Reason Why We Long for Things From Our PastNostalgia is a source of sentimental comfort for many.Erin SmithSeptember 13, 2023
WellnessYou Are Not Alone in Your Loneliness: Social Isolation in CollegeInstead of experiencing “the best time of our lives,” as some consider college, many students are left with loneliness.Erin SmithSeptember 4, 2023
WellnessDestigmatizing or Romanticizing? A Look at Online Mental IllnessCreators may romanticize mental illness, or make it appear desirable.Erin SmithAugust 21, 2023
WellnessWhy Do People Have Phone Anxiety?A substantial 90% of Generation Z members get anxious when faced with a phone call.Erin SmithAugust 16, 2023
FitnessGals With Gains: The Rise of Muscular Women in MediaWhen my friend first suggested I join the weightlifting club at our university with her, I was hesitant. I never lifted, except for during...Erin SmithJuly 28, 2023