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TikToker Asks People Who Drive Expensive Cars What They Do For A Living

A TikTok user recently gained popularity by producing a series of videos where he interviews random people driving luxury cars, asking more prominently “What do you do for a living?”

Screenshot: @itsdanielmac/ TikTok

A TikTok user recently gained popularity by producing a series of videos where he interviews random people driving luxury cars, asking them: “What do you do for a living?”

In each video, this TikToker starts off the interview by getting straight to the point. Each video also includes the brand and model of the car being driven, as well as captions in case background noise complicates the dialogue of the interview.


Only 500 Bugatti Chiron’s Ever Made 🦄 #whatdoyoudoforaliving

♬ New Thang – Redfoo
Video: @itsdanielmac/ TikTok

The interviewees responses range from real estate workers to drug dealer to a man who claims that, for a living he does “as little as possible”. The ease and comfort of their responses seem to parallel that of their financial situation.

Curiously enough, out of all these videos, not a single person was driving a rental. It’s impressive that someone was able to create and entire video series on solely interviewing those with enough money to not only buy a luxury car, but to keep it.

Video: @itsdanielmac/ TikTok

For more of these videos, you can follow @itsdanielmac on TikTok.

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