Thirteen Lives is based on a true story of how a group of individuals joined a rescue attempt on a junior football team. The team consisted of 12 players and their trainer, who were all trapped in a flooded cave for 18 days. The conditions were brutal, and the chances of survival were extremely low. This two-hour and 27-minute motion picture brilliantly describe this story.
Ron Howard directs the film. His popular works include Solo: A Star Story, The Da Vinci Code, Hillbilly Elegy, and A Beautiful Mind. Starring in Thirteen Lives is an all-star lineup consisting of Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, Joel Edgerton, and Tom Bateman.
Sadly, no one will find Thirteen Lives on Netflix just yet, as it isn’t available as one of the many options ready to stream now. Furthermore, it doesn’t seem likely that this will change soon as it is an Amazon Studios movie.
However, if someone is looking for films that are inspired by actual events that occurred, then Netflix has some outstanding options. There are plenty of movies that are based on real-life events on Netflix right now. That includes Howard’s Hillbilly Elegy, The Trial of the Chicago 7, tick, tick… Boom!, Mank and The Irishman.