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WATCH: Chinese Race to Build Hospital in Response to Deadly Coronavirus

Chinese Authorities Plan To Build 1000 Bed Hospital In One Week.

Incredible video captured by a drone shows Chinese officials racing to build a brand new hospital in Wuhan, China in order to help restrain the spread of coronavirus. This 1000-bed hospital is planned to be built in just a handful of days.

After only a mere four days of construction, the new hospital located in Wuhan, China is quickly prospering. Located in the western suburbs of the city, this emergency clinic is being built in the eye of the deadly outbreak. Checkout the time lapse below. 

Video from The Telegraph/YouTube


According to the Daily Mail, this hospital, the Fire God Mountain Hospital, is using four different construction companies to bring the final product together. In about a week, they plan to create a full functioning hospital that can serve 1000 people. The first patients are planned to enter on February 3rd, 2020. 

Tweet from Reuters/Twitter

Due to the overwhelming outbreak of the virus, current Chinese hospitals have been flooded with patients. Isaac Taylor, a teacher in Wuhan, told CBC News about his coronavirus scare. 

“I’m worried personally because I don’t even know if I have the virus, and the hospitals look like they are chaotic and flooded with people. It seems almost like it would be more dangerous to go into the hospital than to not.”

Isaac Taylor

Due to the chaos, the Fire God Mountain Hospital will not be the only clinic emerging in China. When they’re finished, there will be a hospital in Huanggang, one in Zhenzhou, and two others in Wuhan. 

Image from BBC News/YouTube

Currently, there is no real cure for coronavirus. People who have been infected are quarantined to China for treatment in hopes of keeping the spread under control. Since it can take weeks for symptoms to show, it’s hard to confine those infected from traveling. The Sun claims that a whopping 350,000 people could be affected, as well as people in 14 other counties. 

Hopefully, the added hospitals will be a huge help in treating those suffering from this deadly disease. The Bangkok Post reports that even the construction workers are checked for fevers multiple times throughout the day.

Image from AFP News Agency/YouTube

With any luck, let’s hope the spread will quickly decline. For more on construction, click here


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