Chimney. Hmmm the first thing that always pops into my head at the word, apart from fire of course, is Mary Poppins.
The characters running around on the rooftops of Victorian London. Jumping from building to building. Something that looks so fun but not all of us would be quite daring enough to do it.
One couple have gone a step further however and found the tallest chimney in Europe to dance around the top!
Flaviu Cerescu and his partner have videoed their journey in Trbovije, Slovenia up to the very top of the 1,197 foot chimney. Now that must be a big fire place!
The thrill seeking couple tell us in the video that they have waited a long time to see this and no doubt they will have trained for it as well of course as building up their courage to tackle the enormous task.
Walking round the top ledge of Europe’s tallest chimney juggling is not something that everyone will be able to put on their CV.
Thought this was cool, check out what else Cernescu has tackled!