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Do you remember that one embarrassing thing you did? Do you too, stay awake at night because your brain won’t stop replaying a blooper reel of your most awkward moments even though that stuff happened years ago, come on.
Don’t worry! You’re not alone. The Internet won’t let Alexandra Burke forget, either.
On 9th March 2012, Strictly Come Dancing’s Alexandra Burke proudly implied – in an interview, as a guest star on Daybreak – that she was the first person to introduce the phrase “Elephant in the room” to the UK.
“I’d never heard of the saying before,” she’d confessed, “until I’d done my writing camp for the album. And it’s a very American saying, so I thought well why not we be the first person to kind of bring it over here and make it into a song?”
In a twist of beautiful irony, her interviewers ignored the elephant in the room and didn’t press her on this. For years, her slip up went mostly unnoticed.
Unfortunately for Burke, the Internet doesn’t forget. On 12 March 2019 – a solid 7 years after the interview – Twitter user EDDIÉ @kissupndrubup pointed out her mistake, much to the collective humour of Twitter.
Alexandra Burke is responsible for introducing the phrase “elephant in the room” to the UK why is nobody else talking about this
— EDDIÉ (@kissupndrubup) March 13, 2019
Here are some of the best reactions:
@gun_jumper can’t believe Alexandra invented the oxford dictionary
— Shane (@shaaneoliver) March 13, 2019
It has now been revealed that Alexandra Burke also introduced the Potato to the UK.
— Matthew Casson (@Casson12) March 15, 2019
— Dave O))) (@StoutAndAle) March 14, 2019
Burke will definitely be thinking twice before making any more wild claims. If you thought what she said was dumb, I’ll see you and raise you what must be the dumbest answer in game show history. You haven’t seen the last of it.