Source: Pixabay
Donald Trump has finally given proof as to why that conspiracy theory linking the Clintons to Jeffery Epstein’s death may be true. Well… sort of, but not really.
Spun by right-wing commentator Terrence K. Williams, Williams tweeted a bogus claim that Epstein supposedly had information of Bill Clinton and now he’s suspiciously dead. Trump believes the conspiracy simply because Williams’s Twitter account “has half-a-million followers,” which apparently gives validity to the man’s wild baseless claims. Trump even called Williams a “very highly respected conservative pundit” simply because of the quantity of his followers. This, however, should shock absolutely no one as Trump spends hours a day on Twitter mashing away at his screen writing paragraph after paragraph on nonsense, starting arguments with others, slandering opponents, and revving up his base; the man essentially lives on Twitter where, to him, the amount of one’s followers equates to legitimacy.
The circumstances surrounding the death of Jeffrey Epstein — a well-connected New York financier and convicted sex offender charged with sex trafficking in July — are extremely odd to say the least. Multiple news outlets report that there was no video surveillance of the apparent suicide, he was taken off of suicide watch in late July, he was eventually moved into a cell by himself in which no object that could be used to take his own life was permitted, and, in the wake of Epstein’s death, two guards tasked with monitoring the convicted pedophile, falsified documents and records for failing in their duties. It’s all very strange, but not conspiracy level stuff. In truth, it merely looks like the prison housing him or, at the very least, the people in charge of watching Epstein, were inexcusably sloppy. Rather than try to clear the muddied waters and get to the bottom of what went wrong, Trump and right-wing nuts like Williams choose to throw political opponents under the bus. Shocking? No. Disappointing? Yes.
I would like to think that most people, including myself, would have preferred watching Jeffrey Epstein suffer and rot in jail for the horrible acts he committed. Death was a mercy unbefitting of a disgusting monster such as him. In the past, Trump called Epstein “a terrific guy” and “a lot of fun to be with”. It honestly makes my skin crawl every time I read that. Hopefully the truth will vanquish this ridiculous conspiracy sooner rather than later and we can all hear the supported facts as to what transpired in that cell.