Image Via: Wikimedia / Donald J. Trump
According to LAD Bible, Donald Trump has been given the official go ahead for his border wall.
The construction will start on the southern border of the US with Mexico. $2.5 billion will be dedicated to building the wall. Why would such an atrocity be taking place? According to POTUS, we need a wall to physically prevent people from crossing the border in the United States. NEWS FLASH: there is already a wall there. But sure, let’s try again.
When the project first hit the lower courts, the funds were frozen. The Supreme Court, however, ruled in favor of the wall five to four. The wall was the central aspect of Trump’s 2016 campaign. Reports say the money will come from various places including the Treasury Department’s drug forfeiture fund and the Department of Defense’s military construction account. (Maybe we should dedicate those funds to the real issues…?)
When he was in the Rose Garden in February he said:
They say walls don’t work. Walls work 100 percent.
Quote Via:
We fight wars that are 6,000 miles away, wars that we never should have been in. But we don’t control our own border. So we are going to confront the national security crisis on our southern border, and we’re going to do it one way or the other. We have to do it.
Might I add…if walls really did work, we wouldn’t need to build a new one. LOL. And since when do we not control our own border? Can someone please give this man the facts because he clearly doesn’t know.
We’d save tremendous, just a tremendous amount on… sending the military. If we had a wall, we don’t need the military, cause we’d have a wall!
I am sure I do not need to explain what is wrong with this statement. (Hint, there is a lot wrong.) A spokesperson for the justice department had this to say:
We are pleased that the Supreme Court recognized that the lower courts should not have halted construction of walls on the southern border. We will continue to vigorously defend the administration’s efforts to protect our nation.
Apparently Trump thinks the border wall will be harder to climb than Mount Everest. For those of you who don’t know, Mount Everest is the highest mountain above sea level at 30,000 feet high. The border wall is expected to be only 30 feet high. Furthermore, hundreds of people have died attempting to climb Everest. I don’t think there is any comparison here.
They’re gonna have to be in extremely good shape to get over this one. They would be able to climb Mount Everest a lot easier, I think
Thankfully election season is around the corner because boy do we need a change here. For more jokes about POTUS, check out Andrew Schulz.