The fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt racked up a £7000 bar tab at the Soho nightclub DSTRKT London in London, England earlier this month. The night of drunkenness was a celebratory end to Bolt’s career, in spite of the fact that he lost his last race, a 100m, to Justin Gatlin. Win or lose, we booze! Here’s a video of the race.
Bolt partied the night away with his teammates, close friends, and the cast of the British reality TV show Love Island. He ordered five £940 magnums of Dom Perignon, a £570 bottle of vodka, three bottles of £500 cognac, twenty-three Red Bulls, and eighteen cans of coke at £2.50 a pop; and he left a £500 tip on top of the 15% gratuity that was already added to the bill.