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Japanese scientists find ‘Earth-like planet’ in our solar system

Japanese Scientists Unearth ‘Earth-Like Planet’ within Our Solar System

Earth-like planet
Image Source: Nazarii_Neshcherenskyi @shutterstock

The discovery of peculiar orbits among distant objects in our solar system’s outer reaches has left astronomers with a conundrum. One of the most perplexing cases is the egg-shaped orbit of the dwarf planet 90377 Sedna, which takes it on an 11,400-year journey from 7 billion miles (11.3 billion kilometers) away from the sun to an astonishing 87 billion miles (140 billion kilometers) and back within a loose shell of icy objects known as the Oort cloud.

Sedna’s unusual path has puzzled scientists since its discovery in 2003 because it appears to defy our current understanding of how objects in the solar system should behave. The mystery has led some researchers to suggest that the influence of an as-yet-undetected Earth-sized planet in the outer solar system could be responsible for these strange orbits.

Two Japanese researchers have now proposed a theoretical Earth-like planet, which they’ve dubbed “Kuiper Belt Planet (KBP),” that may exist between 23 billion miles (37 billion kilometers) and 46 billion miles (74 billion kilometers) from the sun in the Kuiper Belt region. They used computer simulations to show how the presence of such a planet could explain the peculiar orbits of Sedna and other trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), which are icy bodies that orbit the sun at vast distances.

These simulations demonstrated that an undiscovered planet in the Kuiper Belt could exert enough gravitational influence to shape the orbits of TNOs, resulting in their eccentric and inclined trajectories. According to the researchers, this hypothetical KBP would be 1.5 to three times the size of Earth.

The existence of such a planet could offer an explanation for the long-standing mysteries surrounding Sedna and other TNOs’ orbits. While the concept of hidden planets influencing the outer solar system isn’t new (think “Planet Nine”), this new proposal suggests a closer and more influential planetary body within the Kuiper Belt, which could potentially be detected in the future.

However, it’s important to note that the KBP has not been directly or indirectly observed at this time. Researchers will need more data and observations of objects in the Kuiper Belt to either confirm or rule out the existence of this hypothetical world.

The search for hidden planets in the outer solar system continues to be a captivating and challenging endeavor, with potential implications for our understanding of the solar system’s structure and dynamics.

The search for hidden planets in the outer solar system is a tantalizing scientific endeavor that raises questions about the structure and dynamics of our solar system. While the concept of such hidden worlds has gained traction in recent years, it remains a subject of debate and ongoing research.

One of the most famous examples of this pursuit is the hypothetical “Planet Nine,” a massive, unseen planet thought to exist far beyond Neptune. This theoretical planet was proposed to explain peculiar features in the orbits of certain objects in the Kuiper Belt. Despite extensive efforts to locate it, Planet Nine remains elusive, and some astronomers argue that the orbits of these distant objects could be explained without invoking a hidden planet.

The newly hypothesized “Kuiper Belt Planet (KBP)” offers an intriguing alternative to Planet Nine, suggesting that a smaller, Earth-sized world much closer to the Kuiper Belt could be responsible for the peculiar orbits of TNOs. If this KBP exists within the suggested distance range, there may be a 90% chance of detecting it in the sky, but further observations and data about objects in the Kuiper Belt are required to confirm or refute its existence.

The mystery of Sedna’s orbit and other TNOs continues to challenge our understanding of the solar system’s evolution. It highlights the need for ongoing research and innovative theories that can provide new insights into the dynamic interactions occurring in the far reaches of our cosmic neighborhood.

As astronomers race to explain these peculiar orbits, the quest for hidden planets in the outer solar system remains a captivating journey that could one day unveil new secrets about the complex dance of celestial bodies that shape our cosmic home.

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