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Craziest Ad For Roommates You’ll Ever See

This guy is off his rocker.

Image Via: LifeEdited

Trying to find a roommate via the internet can be one of the most exhausting experiences a person can have.

If you’ve ever tried to find a roommate through an app or website, you know how crazy some people can be. They have all these rules and curfews and all you want is a comfortable place to sleep! With a bathroom and kitchen obviously. But some people are just so severe when it comes to their house rules.

Take this guy for example. His house expectations have been shared on twitter, and well, I think you ought to just read it yourself.

It almost doesn’t seem real, but I think this guy is very serious. I guess it’s not that surprising considering how many weird and awful people are out there. I think this is just asking too much. And I wonder how the person who already lives there puts up with this bull s***. Maybe the rent is cheap, but I don’t think I would be able to put up with these rules even if the rent was super cheap. The rules suck, the guy sounds like a total ass, but finding cheap housing is a problem so it was probably rented out before I even finished writing this.

In other news, 3-D printed edible food is finally real!

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