In a recent film released to Hulu, Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti portray the characters Nyles and Sarah respectively. In this Groundhog Day-esque film, the two find themselves reliving the same day repeatedly. The day of Sarah’s sister’s wedding, a day Nyles has relived countless times, to the point of indifference, however, Sarah finds herself determined to escape back to normalcy.
The two give a great performance, bringing a ton of emotion to the movie. There’s an overarching sense of humor and yet the film isn’t afraid of exploring some of the darker aspects of being forced to relive the same day over and over again.
From those 90 mins of runtime came a ton of new memes and gifs of the film’s various scenes and concepts. Including…
This one, a glaring example of how, under quarantine, all of these days seem to blend together in a blur.
There’s also this not so socially distanced celebration.
Which would likely be followed by well… this scene.
However, I assure you. getting sick now would not be, “the best.” Please do your best to remain inside unless of course you happen to be an essential worker or need to pick up essential items from the store.
Speaking of, check out this article by, Esther Smith. Some keen-eyed person’s observation leads the cops to a party by eyeing the suspicious size of their KFC order!