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Anthony Von Mandl’s Alcohol Empire

Why White Claw is America’s newest craze.

Photo by Benjamin Klaver on Unsplash

You’re probably familiar with the phrase “Ain’t No Laws When You’re Drinking Claws”. Among todays college students, White Claw hard seltzers are a huge hit when it comes to deciding what to drink. Hard seltzers, or spiked seltzers, are a low-carb and low-sugar carbonated drink containing about 5% of alcohol in each can.

Growing up, it was common to believe that women only drank wine and that beer was “for the boys”, but White Claw is, and has been, changing that stereotype. In a 2006 interview, White Claw founder Anthony von Mandl acknowledged the fact that this drink is changing gender roles.


“25% of guys didn’t particularly want to drink beer, but couldn’t be seen holding anything else in their hand.”

Thanks to these popular bubbly drinks, it is normal for both men and women of varying ages to be seen holding these at parties and BBQ’s. In today’s gender-neutral world, this drink is a big hit as it diminishes this stereotype. According to The Daily Beast White Claw currently has 60% of the market, making them the most regularly sold hard seltzer in the country. 

Summer Claw Shortage
e.g Image from Trevor Wallace / GIPHY

This past summer, sales for Anthony von Mandl, the founder of not only White Claw but also Mike’s Harder, had skyrocketed, leaving shelves all over America deprived of the latest spiked seltzer obsession. With such a high demand for the product, White Claw had to limit their supply in order to provide service to all of their vendors.  

The drinks sales had even surpassed beers such as Budweiser, proving that men too are switching over to the new fizzy and fruity beverages. It is also a huge advantage in today’s world that these delicious drinks are gluten free, making them flexible among a number of trendy diets. 

e.g Image from Alex Sautter /GIPHY

Anthony von Mandl’s company, The Mark Anthony Group, has invested $250 million towards new facilities in the United States so that they can keep up with this constant demand for more White Claw. Similar to this, in 1999 when the company began producing Mike’s Hard Lemonade, these delicious beverages were too flying off the shelves, making it extremely difficult to find places to purchase them.

e.g Image from Trash Love / GIPHY

 Fortune tells us that according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index., Anthony, now age 69, has a net worth nearing $3.4 billion. His brand is now known as America’s fourth largest beer company.

“The U.S. business’ growth is 85% this year and accelerating and is estimated to deliver close to $4 billion in revenue in 2020.” 

“My Heart Belongs to White Claw”

The Mark Anthony Brand can give a big thanks to many social media platforms, especially Instagram. With over 100,000 posts tagging White Claw, anyone can help advertise the brand through creative White Claw halloween costumes or summer beach pictures. Elite Daily  is there to help out with creative captions such as “My heart belongs to White Claw” or “This summer is brought to you by White Claw” to complete the perfect Insta pic. 

With more than 3 million views, comedian Trevor Wallace posted a video mimicking the drinkers of these hard seltzers. Thanks to Wallace, people everywhere have become walking advertisements for White Claw, wearing t-shirts reading “Ain’t No Laws When You’re Drinking Claws.” 

e.g. Image from Kenzie Szymarek / GIPHY


As if all of that isn’t enough, von Mandl also owns over 1,000 acres of Okanagan Valley vineyards, as well as owning Mission Hill Family Estate (his very own winery). Who would’ve thought that a fruity 5% alcoholic beverage would produce a multi-billionaire man? 

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