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5 Thing You Can Do to Make 2020 Your Year

Change your life, end the toxic cycles by starting fresh.

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Another year comes to an end, and a familiar question lingers: will you strive to make 2021 a better year? If so, learn how to become the best you. 

2020 will go down in history as a year full of emotional roller coasters. Yet, the end of this year marks a new opportunity. It will be up to you to decide to embark on this journey. 

1. Goal-Setting 

You will need to envision how you wish 2021 to be. Do you want to start a business, change jobs, improve your health, or become financially literate?

Credit: pxfuel

Whichever your goals and despite their quantity, you will need to write them down. Make a complete list on a piece of paper.

Plan how to get from point A to point B, include a detailed description of the goal and give yourself a timeline.

2. Create A Vision Board

Once you know your goals for the coming year, make flashcards for each of them. Again, include a timeline; it needs to be realistic and one that fits your schedule.

There are countless vision boards to choose from. It can be simple or elaborate. However, if arts and crafts appear a no-brainer, then you can create your own or download a template.

Pin the cards to a vision board that is in your room or area that you work. 

To accomplish your goals, they have to be visible. A vision board will ground you, and it is a way to set yourself accountable.

When you complete them, you will have the satisfaction of marking it off your checklist and unpinning it from the board.

3. Get An Agenda/Planner

An agenda indicates the tasks to complete on a given day. If you set yourself to go to the gym, how many days a week will that be? Do you prefer to workout at sunrise, in the afternoon, or late at night?

Credit: pxfuel

While the checklist and vision board provide a big picture of what 2021 will look like, an agenda gives you a day-to-day plan.

It is the space to experiment with your schedule and assign tasks to a portion of a day.

Find an agenda or planner that meets your demands. College students may benefit most from academic planners, while assistants may need a year-long planner.

4. Adjust

As with most things in life, your goals may need adjustment. Some circumstances change your perspective; meanwhile, others impact your ability to complete your goals.

Throughout the year, you may need to revisit your plan, check if you are sticking to your timeline, and access what goals are a priority.

5. Final Note

When you feel unmotivated, burned out, or stressed, ask yourself why you started this journey. Look at your checklist, vision board, and agenda before sitting on a couch and watching TV.

Achieving goals is a process. It is sure to be frustrating, and you will have ups and downs.

Despite the setbacks, remember the following:

  1. You are human, so it is perfectly normal to make mistakes.
  2. Progress is not linear like the year 2020; instead, it is an upward and downward curve.
  3. Remind yourself how you want to feel at the end of the year. 

Looking for more tips? Read ‘5 Tips For Getting In Shape When You Are Depressed‘. 

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