Beneath the town of Corsham in England lies an underground fortress. Just in December of 2004, the British government declassified information about its purpose and use.
The tunnels were used to build an underground facility in the 1950s. The fortress would serve as a relocation area for the Royal Family if nuclear attacks ever took place.
A statement released on the Ministry of Defense website stated the following: “A formerly secret Government underground site Corsham in Wiltshire, which was a potential relocation site for the Government in the event of a nuclear war, was declassified at the end of 2004.”
The uncertainty of the political environment during the Cold War was over disputes between the United States and the Soviet Union.
In particular, the rise in the production of nuclear weapons was unsettling. The superpowers approached the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), causing panic around the world.
The Human Journey Project describes it as a “vast labyrinth of interconnecting quarries and tunnels…surrounded by deep reinforced concrete.”
The 34-acre complex is capable of accomodating the Prime Minister, multiple house officials, and 4,000 government staff, excluding family members.
While the British government never used the term “bunker” for the underground facility, Business Insider points out “Burlington” is another common codename.
As of today, the site is strictly off limits.
Health and Safety and Insurance Policies prohibit the general public from entering the premises.
For permitted entry, you must make a request to visit. Yet, even then the case is subject to evaluation.
For a recollection of the bunker’s use throughout history, visit the Human Journey Project. Additional information is available in the MoD document.