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Goliath book publishers have just release an anthology about the unsung heroes of any bedroom, the sex toy. Richard Battenberg is the mastermind behind the masterpiece called A Visual History of Lovemaking Toys: History of Sex Toys in Pictures. And from what we can see on the website, the book is real lusty.
The Goliath website shares the following about the book:
More than 500 years of pornographic history of sex with accessories, explained and richly illustrated. An unbelievable collection – scientific, raunchy, informative, and hot. Simply put: the collected dildo-in-action pornography as an illustrated book. Just great.
via Goliath
Just great, indeed! Sounds pretty dildope to us, to be honest. We aren’t the only ones obsessed with toys, as is evident by this article — I think we will just stick to buying the book. And although History of Sex Toys isn’t available in the US or the UK yet, we sure can’t wait to buy a copy.