Stonehouse is ITVX’s upcoming British television series scheduled to be released on Monday, January 2, 2023. It is based on the life of disgraced British government minister John Stonehouse. The show is directed by Jon S Baird, Known for I’m Dying Up Here, Stan & Ollie and more.
John Thomson Stonehouse was a well-known politician and cabinet minister under Prime Minister Harold Wilson. He is famous for trying to fake his demise unsuccessfully. He faked his death to spend the rest of his life in Australia with his mistress and secretary, Sheila Buckley. He was arrested in Melbourne on December 24 1974, and was deported to the UK.
Stonehouse was found guilty after a trial of 68 days and was sentenced to seven years behind bars for fraud. He was released early on good behaviour on August 14 1979, and after his release, he wrote three novels and made TV appearances and radio broadcasts for the rest of his life. Stonehouse died from a massive heart attack and was cremated on April 22 1988.
This series will focus on his disappearance from the beach in Miami, Florida and how his image was tarnished with fake death and well-hidden secrets. It stars Matthew Macfadyen as John Stonehouse, Keeley Hawes as Barbara Smith/Stonehouse and Emer Heatley as Sheila Buckley.
Let’s take a look at the episode scheduled:
Episode 1: January 2, 2023
Episode 2: January 3, 2023
Episode 3: January 4, 2023
Episode 4: January 5, 2023