9-1-1 is a popular procedural television series that airs on Fox. The show debuted on January 3, 2018, and followed the lives of Los Angeles first responders in times of crisis. Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear create the series. It stars Angela Bassett, Peter Krause, Oliver Stark, Aisha Hinds, Ryan Guzman, Corinne Massiah, Marcanthonee Jon Reis, Kenneth Choi, Rockmond Dunbar, Connie Britton, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Gavin McHugh, John Harlan Kim.
9-1-1 follows a group of first responders trying to balance their personal lives with emergencies. Each season draws us deeper into the characters’ lives and is always packed with action and drama.
The series is about the stories of first responders, i.e., police officers, paramedics, firefighters, and dispatchers. The show also has a spin-off titled 9-1-1: Lone Star. It premiered on January 19, 2020, and focuses on Austin, Texas. The series has been applauded by fans and called an addictive guilty pleasure. It stands with an average rating of 5.90/10.
The show is airing its sixth season and has released nine episodes. Unfortunately, the sixth season will not be getting more episodes in December. The upcoming dates still need to be revealed. But if it happens in 2023, fans will have to wait a while. It had already been disclosed that the show was scheduled to take a break between search six.
The last episode on November 28, 2022, will be the final episode of this season, but there are still nine episodes left to be broadcasted. Fans are hoping that the show will return in January 2023.