Irreverent is an upcoming Australian drama television miniseries that tracks the saga of an American criminal who bungles a theft and is compelled to lie low in a small Australian reef town in Far North Queensland, working as the new church Preacher. The show is said to make its debut in November 2022 on Netflix in Australia and New Zealand. The show can be streamed on Peacock in the United States.
The episodes are filmed in Mission Beach, Queensland, under the supervision of Jonathan Teplitzky and Lucy Gaffy. It was created by Paddy Macrae and scripted by Paddy Macrae, Andrew Knight, Andrew Anastasios, Angela McDonald, Dan Knight, and Darlene Johnson.
It is said to star Colin Donnell as Paulo, Felix Hooper as Young Mack, P. J. Byrne as Mackenzie, Andrea Szabo as Bev, Kylie Bracknell as Piper, Briallen Clarke as Amy, Tegan Stimson as Daisy, Robert Rabiah as Farah, Wayne Blair as Peter, Russell Dykstra as Lester, Jason Wilder as Aidan and Calen Tassone as Harry.
The series is also supported by the aid of the Federal Governments Location Incentive program, and Screen Queensland is endorsing through the Queensland government’s Production Attraction Strategy.
As per the statement of Netflix Director of Content for ANZ, Que Minh Luu, the show will have a warmth, sanguinity, and celebration of society with a uniquely Australian sense of wit.
This miniseries will encompass ten episodes and is expected to debut on November 30, 2022. The storyline will completely concentrate on criminal intermediary Paulo Keegan and his voyage. The show has been promoted as a breath of fresh air, and you should put it in your schedule.