The latest seven-episode thriller series stars Michelle Monaghan in the lead role. The series revolves around two twin sisters who regularly swap their lives.
Much of the show takes place in the woods and on a farm. So, where is the place? Does this location exist in real life?
The cast of Echoes includes-
Matt Bomer,
Karen Robinson,
Ali Stroker,
Victor O’Neill and
Daniel Sunjata.
The majority of Echoes was held at Mount Echo in Virginia. Both Gina and Leni grew up in Mount Echo, and that’s where Leni and Jack continue to live on a horse farm. Victor, Gina and Leni’s father, lived in Mount Echo with Claudia, and Claudia was their other sister.
So is mount echo a real place?
There exists a small, unincorporated community named Mount Echo in West Virginia. However, it is not the same place that is shown in this fictional show. In the front, Mount Echo appears to be located in Virginia instead of West Virginia.
According to reports, filming for the show was done in Wilmington, North Carolina. Wilmington is a famous spot for film and television projects, especially if they have a more rural setting. The area is located in the Cape Fear region and is near beaches like Carolina and Kure.