Atelier Pontdarc created the animation manga series, which initially premiered in November 2022. Anime Trending shared the postponement news on their official Twitter handle, clearing that a revised date will soon be shared with the fans.
Luckily the show has shared the revised release date of episode 13 of Uncle from Another World on 29 December 2022 at 10:30 PM Japanese standard time on AT-X.
Yosuke was hit by a truck at 17, fell into a coma for 17 years, and woke up at 35. After Yosuke wakes up 17 years later, he starts spouting nonsense and telling everyone that he’s sleeping in another universe; Yosuke and Takafumi are integral to the storyline.
With Yosuke’s family gone, Takafumi takes him to his apartment, where he demonstrates the skills and abilities he learned from another world and shows his uncle that he was actually in another world during his coma. I was. Takafumi continues to live with his uncle and works as a content creator showcasing Yosuke’s skills. Otaku adapts to the outside world after spending years in the other world. This story is much more compelling than most otherworldly tales. To introduce a novel concept that does not involve insane battles. A simple act of an uncle showing his nephew memories of another world.
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