The wing feather saga is a fantasy series. It is adapted from the four-part book series written by Andrew Peterson. Angles studios have created the animated series produced by the author himself.
The animated series is suitable for all ages, and anyone from any walk of life can relate to it.
Evil has taken over the land of Aerwiar. The unnamed Gnag and his infamous Fangs of Dang are evil creatures similar to humans, except they have green scales and tails and are poisonous.
The story revolves around the Igibby family, consisting of his three children, Janner, Tink, and Lili, along with his mother, Nia, his former pirate grandfather, Podo, and his loyal dog, Nugget. Even though they lead ordinary lives, children quickly discover that they are not ordinary.
Episode 2 begins with the killing of a crow flying in the sky on a mission to deliver a message to its catcher, Commander Gnome.
When Catch receives it, he reads it aloud and says, “Get ready to march.” Back at the Igiby family, the children are under house arrest for security reasons due to the threat of capture in the countryside.
It’s a rainy night, so the kids play around the house and don’t let Grandpa Podo go to work in peace.
In the next scene, the Gnorm Commander is seen summoning Fangs outside.
He dismisses all but one Fang, Slav, who he says is on duty in the carriage when Coach Black arrives in Gripwood later that night.
Grandpa Podo walks into the shop and tells the shopkeeper he wants a “Tolboro Special”, and she tells him what Fang had planned earlier in the day.
Episode 3, titled “The Catacombs Below”, will premiere on 30th December 2023, at various times depending on different time zones.
The show is available to stream on YouTube and Angles Studios. Please keep visiting our website for more updates.