The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague is a Japanese manga series about Himuro-kun, who works in an office and has mystical powers. The unusual part is that his powers aren’t hidden; everyone knows he can cause blizzards and snowstorms whenever he is emotional. His co-workers have adapted to his strange needs and do their best to understand the situation.
Himuro-kun encounters Fuyutsuki-san, his cool, calm, and collected colleague who can find any solutions. She has an uncanny ability to cope with Himuro’s strange and unusual problems. This peculiar bond causes each other to become close and develop feelings for each other. Despite his feelings being widely known, she remains oblivious for a while.
The manga has released seven volumes and has won Next Manga Award making it 12th in the web manga category. This “workplace fantasy romantic comedy” has a teaser released where fans were introduced to their visuals, characters, and promo dates.
Crunchyroll and streams license it on Tokyo MX. The series is scheduled to be released on January 4, 2023, in Japan on Tokyo MX, ABC TV, and Nagoya Broadcasting Network. The anime is directed by Mankyū and written by Tomoko Konparu. The opening theme is by Takao Sakuma, and the ending is by Nowlu. Zero-G adapts the series.
The show will feature the voices of the following artists:
Fuyutsuki-san by Yui Ishikawa
Himuro-kun by Chiaki Kobayashi
Komori-san by Yumi Uchiyama
Saejima-kun by Koki Uchiyama
Otonashi-san by Ayane Sakura
Katori-kun by Shugo Nakamura
Yukimin by Hiyori Nitta