The series Tell Me Lies premiered on Wednesday, September 7, on Hulu. The ten-episode series is based on the rough and toxic romance between Lucy Albright and Steven Stephen DeMarco.
The pair meet in college and fall into a relationship that changes their lives. Along with bad decisions, heartbreak, and betrayal, these two go through the wringer, and their friends and loved ones are also involved.
The first three episodes of Tell Me Lies debuted on September 7 and will be weekly releases on Wednesdays until the finale on October 26.
Tell Me Lies Age Rating
Tell Me Lies is a mixture of romance, drama, and thrilling storytelling. The show has been rated TV-MA due to its content.
The storyline of this Hulu series involves grief, parental issues, drug abuse, and death. The thematic elements involve depictions of alcohol consumption, sexual content that’s explicit, and nudity. The use of Strong language can also be seen throughout the show.
The names of its episodes and their release dates are given below:-
Episode 1: “Lightning Strikes” – September, 7
Episode 2: “Hot-Blooded” – September, 7
Episode 3: “We Don’t Touch, We Collide” – September, 7
Episode 4: “Take Off Your Pants and Jacket” – September, 14
Episode 5: “Merry F*cking Christmas” – September, 21
Episode 6 – September, 28
Episode 7 – October, 5
Episode 8 – October, 12
Episode 9 – October, 19
Episode 10 – October, 26
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