The original 1985 Teen Wolf movie launched Michael J. Fox’s career and introduced the world to Scott McCall. Since then, its adaptation into a television series took off: winning critical acclaim and growing a passionate fan base. Unexpectedly, the MTV show ended during season 6, leaving viewers devastated. Fortunately, Teen Wolf: The Movie is here to bring back beloved characters and introduce new faces, all aiming to combat a new menace.
Since then, Scott has reassembled his pack, and they’re returning to Beacon Hills to solve a new mystery.
Despite MTV cancel Teen Wolf in 2017, its popularity endured. Paramount recognized this, signing Jeff Davis to spearhead the franchise’s expansion.
A continuation of the McCall pack’s story will be the theme of Teen Wolf: The Movie, one of the projects in the growing universe. This time, Scott and his group will face an old friend, Allison Argent, who returns from the dead and embraces her roots as a wolf hunter. This means many original cast members from Teen Wolf can return to the movie.
The actor is well known for his roles in Fringe, Revenge and CW’s The 100. Her father, Chris Agent, paved his involvement with Allison’s return to Teen World Movie.
Colton Haynes as Jack Whittmore – Haynes played Roy Harper/Arsenal in The CW’s Arrowverse and Jack Whittmore in Teen Wolf.