Revenger is an upcoming Japanese original anime television show that is scheduled to be released on January 5, 2023, on Tokyo MX and other networks. The show is directed by Masaya Fujimori and written by Gen Urobuchi. Crunchyroll licenses it.
The show is about a hitman working for an organization called Revenger that takes revenge on behalf of those with no power. Our protagonist, Raizo Kurima, is a group member who acts as a general store outside while working as a crimefighting organization under their stage name. This group consists of a physician with destructive impulses, a gambler, a beautiful androgynous young man, and an intelligent lacquer craftsman. The plot revolves around their strange bond and newly built friendships.
The anime stars the following artists who will be providing their voices to our characters,
Raizo Kurima by Jun Kasama
Yuen Usui by Yūichirō Umehara
Teppa Murakami by Shunsuke Takeuchi
Nio by Hisako Kanemoto
Soji by Shouta Hayama
Kanō Gerald by Akio Otsuka
Jinkurō Isarizawa by Takehito Koyasu
The scriptwriter believes in the characters and feels good while developing them. He paid particular attention to their thoughts and traditions while writing the scripts. He claims the story will be filled with tricky plot twists and relies heavily on strategies. He believes that Revenger will have a significant impact on the audience.
The show’s first season will consist of twelve episodes, but they may go up to Twenty-two if they continue to be released till the spring of 2023. The production house is quite confident in the plot and the characters, which makes fans excited about its release.