Paris Police 1900 is Canal+ French crime drama television series that made its debut on BBC on October 2021. The show is set in 1899’s Paris, with the Third Republic in crisis. The play deals with the fallout of the death of a French politician who served as President of France from 1895 to 1899. The investigation of done by an ambitious young detective, Antoine Jouin. With him, in this case, he discovers facts that have never been revealed.
The show is created by Frédéric Balekdjian and Fabien Nury and stars Jérémie Laheurte and Evelyne Brochu in leading roles. The show is scheduled to be renewed for another run on 12th December 2022. The new episodes will be released on Canal Plus every week. After a while, season 2 will be available for streaming on BBC iPlayer as they will air on BBC in the UK.
With the whole country falling apart, the situation has worsened as the rumors of the release of Alfred Dreyfus have caused distress and civic disagreements. Alfred Dreyfus was a French artillery officer of Jewish ancestry imprisoned in 1894 on treason charges. The desperation in the nation was caused by Lieutenant Colonel Georges Picquart when he revealed that Dreyfus might be innocent. The press took advantage of the situation, resulting in a heated debate about anti-Semitism and France’s identity as a Catholic nation or a republic founded on equal rights for all citizens.
The show captures the situation of that time while focusing on Antoine Jouin as he works on the cases appointed to him. The first season was widely praised by the audience and critics and said to be ‘A classy, raunchy Parisian noir’. The second season will bring justice to the story as well.