Makeover by Monday is a reality television series where Jenni Yolo refreshes a space throughout the weekend. The show features her struggles as she learns to find solutions for complex areas. The episodes show her and her husband working through the creative process, bringing the final product to life. It made its debut on November 12, 2022, on Magnolia Network.
The series is created by Nareman Bakr and highlights the daily struggles faced by women from different backgrounds as they go through, societies expectations of beauty, class, and status. It is directed by Nareman Bakr and Ebrima ‘Abraham’ Sisay. The show stars Bakr, Andrea Vargas, and Eleni Kouvelou.
The sixth episode of its first season is scheduled to be released on December 10, 2022, on Magnolia Network. The show can be streamed on Amazon Prime or Discovery for those outside the US.
In the previous episode, we saw Jenni Yolo turning her friends’ dorm into a tropical retreat for the parents of four children. She also sets out on a four-day technical challenge to renovate her little sister’s drab double diner. Yolo believes it’s necessary to keep in mind Milwaukee’s beauty and the great creators and intriguing companies who call this city home.
She has more than ten years of experience organizing and completing do-it-yourself projects. Yolo and her husband have been transforming properties into short-term housing for the past six years. On Instagram, she has published examples of her art and the techniques she employs. She also operates a company called “I Spy DIY,”.