Law and order had its thirty-second anniversary on September 13th. This classic crime series deals with the complexities of several murders, robberies, and kidnappings and has been nothing less than a riveting title. Although it’s a fictional show, its long-lasting effect on its fans is very real. This series entertains them and allows them to see into law enforcers’ minds. This show also informs its viewers about how they can protect themselves and the people around them.
Viewers with the Live TV extension can watch Law and Order as part of their Hulu subscription. However, they might have a limited selection to choose from.
These circumstances might change in the future because Hulu does have the most popular installment of the series, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, ready to stream on its platform.
Amazon Prime Video is another platform to watch this 1990 series. It has only the first two seasons and seasons 16 through 20.
So, none of the major streaming sites have every single season of Law and Order. So viewers might have to opt for either Amazon Prime Video, fuboTV, or Peacock to view various seasons of the original series.
For more information, please keep an eye on our website.